Woodcraft Folk
Woodcraft Folk is a movement for children and young people, open to everyone from birth to adult. We offer a place where children will grow in confidence, learn about the world and start to understand how to value our planet and each other. At Woodcraft Folk we believe passionately in equality and co-operation – everyone is welcome to join our groups. Every week thousands of volunteers and young people meet in school halls, community venues and a host of other places to learn about big ideas through fun activities like singing, playing and debating. Our aim is to have great fun, but also to try to develop children’s self-confidence and build their awareness of society around them. Through our activities, outings and camps we help our members understand important issues like the environment, world debt and global conflict and, in recent years, we have focused on sustainable development. By encouraging children to think, we hope they will help build a peaceful, fairer world.
Find out more at www.woodcraft.org.uk/
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