Women And Girls
Women and Girls has a simple mission: to provide women and girls in India with comfort, dignity and freedom during their periods.
Over 300 million women and girls in India have to use homemade alternatives to sanitary protection, including rags, leaves and, in some cases, soil. 23% of girls in India drop out of school when they start having periods, and women are forced to miss days of work. Having periods is the most natural thing in the world, but for too many women and girls this simple, natural process means losing the chance for high school education, missing wages and suffering the discomfort of infections month after month.
Women and Girls provides Saafkins: a reusable, environmentally friendly and culturally sensitive sanitary product that will last for a whole year and costs just £5. It doesn’t rely on clean water, as other reusable products do, and it doesn’t require underwear, which most women and girls in need do not wear.
Together we can give women and girls comfort, dignity and freedom when they most need it, all for just £5.
Find out more at Women And Girls
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