Wellspring | My Cause UK


We are a resource centre for homeless and disadvantaged people

What We Do?

The Wellspring provides referrals into housing; we have supported over 1500 rough sleepers off the streets and into accommodation. We actively engage with people who are at risk of becoming homeless therefore preventing homelessness from happening. The Wellspring provides educational courses, Computer courses, art classes, other activities such as football, walking groups and gardening courses.

Health services are available, including a drop in service from a GP. Referrals to other specialist services, such as drug and alcohol teams are made frequently. Free food and drink is available 365 days a year. The Wellspring provides people rough sleeping with showers and clean clothing, as well as blankets and sleeping bags. 1-1 support planning sessions take place. All Wellspring staff are qualified learning advisors and constantly signpost people into education.

Find out more at https://www.thewellspring.co.uk/

Why not support Wellspring at festivals in 2018



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