War Child
War Child is an award winning international charity that works to safeguard children from the brutal effects and consequences of war. We work in conflict affected countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, DRC, Central African Republic, Uganda and Jordan responding to the Syrian crisis. We provide protection, education and livelihood support to children, young people and communities.
Our main objective is to increase the scale of our work and reach more children in conflict areas.
In 2015 the number of children, young people and adults who received direct support from War Child UK and our local partners was 126,000. Our plans see that number rising to 260,000 by 2019.
That may seem a big increase, but we believe War Child UK has the potential to reach many more children in the future.
We’ll be strengthening our internal systems to help scale up our high-quality work and technical excellence. We’ll also be establishing a global coalition with like-minded War Child partners and expanding the international reach of our fundraising and advocacy work.
Find out more at www.warchild.org.uk
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