Modern Slavery is real. It is happening in our communities. We interact with it, often unaware of the forms it takes in nail bars, car washes, or even further down in the supply chains of our smartphone manufacturers and our favourite coffee producers.
Unseen is working towards a world without slavery and we need you to help us make this a reality.
It’s a big aim and a big task, but we believe we can do it. By concentrating our efforts on three main areas – supporting survivors through our safe houses and outreach services, equipping frontline professionals to spot the signs and influencing government and society to change legislation, policy and consumer choices – we can start to tackle the issue in a way that really works.
We hope that one day our work is no longer needed.
But while there are victims of trafficking, we want to be here to offer them the safety, hope and choice they deserve.
Find out more at https://www.unseenuk.org/
Why not volunteer to support Unseen at festivals?
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