The Julian Trust
The Julian Trust Night Shelter, also known as the Bristol Night Shelter, is located in premises in Little Bishop Street, on the edge of St Pauls in Bristol.
The premises were converted from a warehouse to fulfill the specific purpose of a Night Shelter; the money being raised by public donation.
In the Night Shelter the facilities for guests comprise a large dormitory with eighteen emergency beds, a dining area, bathrooms with toilet and shower facilities. There is also a kitchen, stores, laundry and offices. There are separate facilities for volunteers that include a lounge, bedroom, toilet and shower facilities.
The Night Shelter is open five nights every week throughout the year where a warm welcome and a hot meal awaits homeless people and rough sleepers. On most nights it is used by between 60 to 80 guests who are served dinner between 9.30pm and 10.30pm. Overnight guests only are served breakfast at 6.30am before the shelter closes at 7.30am. When requested by overnight guests,we provide a laundry service and try to provide clean alternative clothes where needed (depending on donations); other services available include a regular weekly visit from St John Ambulance and St Mungos Outreach workers.
This site aims to provide visitors with an insight into the Trust which is wholly staffed, managed and financed by volunteers and voluntary donations of food and funds. Julian Trust Nightshelter currently costs around £1,500 per week to run, which at £16 per bed space per night, represents good value for money.
As well as emergency accomodation and meals, the Night Shelter provides information about other homeless agencies in Bristol.
Find out more at www.juliantrust.org.uk
Why not support the Julia Trust at festivals in 2018
Eric gave his time stewarding and checking tickets at Noisily Festival, The Downs and Tokyo World raising £110 for his chosen charity - The Julian Trust.
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