The Care Forum
The Care Forum is an independent voluntary and community sector infrastructure organisation. We work primarily across Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Swindon. We can also work across the South West region.
Our vision
Communities and people in all their diversity can maintain their health and wellbeing, and care for themselves and for each other.
Our mission
To promote health and wellbeing for all and to challenge inequalities in health and social care policy and services.
Our Aims
Based on the organisation’s charitable objectives:
- Individuals and groups are empowered to represent themselves, to be heard and to make informed choices
- Voluntary and community sector organisations and individuals are able to participate fully and equally in the design, delivery and improvement of services
- People’s access to high quality services is improved
Our Objectives
- Enable the voices of individual service users to be heard and amplified
- Provide excellent infrastructure support to voluntary and community sector organisations with an interest in health, social care and wellbeing
- Ensure that the voice of the voluntary and community sector is heard at a local, regional and national level
- Promote and provide expertise on good practice in public involvement
- Pilot innovative services, disseminate their findings and stimulate their sustainability
- Research and evaluate services, projects and issues
- Create a positive working environment for staff and volunteers at The Care Forum and encourage their professional and personal development
- Increase equality in health and social care and in access to services and support.
Find out more at https://www.thecareforum.org/
Why not support The Care Forum at festivals in 2018
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