Straight Talking | My Cause UK

Straight Talking

Straight Talking employs teenage mothers and young fathers to educate young people about early parenthood, healthy relationships, child sexual exploitation and sexting, enabling them to make responsible life choices.

We’re here to reduce the high rate of teenage pregnancy and child sexual exploitation in the UK and support teenage parents to achieve economic wellbeing and quality of life.

We run courses in secondary schools about the realities of early parenthood, healthy relationships, child sexual exploitation and sexting. We employ teenage mothers and young fathers to deliver these Straight Talking Peer Education. Using young people from a similar age, background or social culture makes it easier for pupils to understand and relate to the difficult issues.

The Prevention Project includes two peer education courses that fit into  key stage 3 and 4 in secondary schools as part of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) programmes. 

We see teenage parents as capable, resilient and valuable members of our community who have necessary skills and experiences to impact the wider community We tap into these existing skills by employing and training the young parents as peer educators. Our training approach enables these youths to develop a broader range of transferable workplace skills that can help them gain well paid employment in the wider job market.

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