St Monica Trust
Leading the ageing revolution…
Make the most of life, wherever you are on its journey. Sustain treasured relationships. Exercise choice and be whoever you want to be. Feel valued and important.
This is how retirement should feel. This is retirement living.
Our unique blend of vibrant, welcoming retirement villages, complete with specialist care homes and support for older people in the places where they live, allows us to put what matters to you at the heart of all that we do.
A not-for-profit organisation delivering well-being for older people through innovative care, retirement accommodation and other methods of support.
The St Monica Trust has long been recognised for the high quality accommodation, care and support it provides for older and disabled people in and around the Bristol area. Regarded as one of the leading providers of continuing care in the south west of England, the Trust supports a wide variety of people with differing needs in many imaginative ways. From independent living with care and support to general needs nursing and specialist dementia care, the Trust’s services are an attractive option for many elderly people.
Find out more at https://www.stmonicatrust.org.uk/
Why not support St Monica Trust at festivals in 2018
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