Leeds Children’s Charity
Leeds Children’s Hospital, a part of Leeds Hospital Charitable Foundation, provides one of the most comprehensive range of specialist children’s hospital services in the country and is a regional centre, looking after youngsters from birth to the age of 16 living right across Yorkshire and beyond.
In the last 12 months over 200,000 children have been treated in our hospital.
Everything Leeds Children’s Hospital Appeal funds is over and above what is provided by the NHS.
We want to make the wards, theatres, parent waiting rooms and day case areas child and family friendly. We would like to banish plain walls and provide suitable artwork to bring pleasure to patients and their families. Then of course there is the state of the equipment that every clinician would choose to work with if budgets allowed. Some of the equipment we fund helps to keep Leeds Children’s Hospital as a centre of excellence.
It’s not just about our young patients; it’s about making a difference for their parents and carers too. Please help us to make every child’s stay in hospital better, brighter and happier. Every pound really does make a difference.
Find out more at http://www.leedschildrenscharity.org.uk/
Why not support Leeds Children’s Charity at festivals in 2018
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