Labour Behind the Label
Labour Behind the Label is a campaign that works to improve conditions and empower workers in the global garment industry. We believe that no-one should live in poverty for the price of a cheap t-shirt; that a living wage is a basic human right, as is working without fear for your life. We are committed to making these ideals a reality in the garment industry.
Labour Behind the Label is the only UK campaign group that focuses exclusively on labour rights in the global garment industry. Founded in 2001, we have 17 years of experience in awareness raising, research and lobbying in support of workers demands for improved pay and conditions. We are small but mighty in relentlessly raising the profile of garment workers who need their stories to be told. Our effective campaigning has been instrumental in pushing UK retailers to sign the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety, ensuring Rana Plaza victims receive long-term compensation, supporting workers in Indonesia to receive legally-owed severance pay, and campaigning with Cambodian garment workers to demand a living wage, among many other cases.
We are a workers cooperative based in Bristol. We represent the Clean Clothes Campaign in the UK and work with over 250 partner organisations worldwide through this network. In the UK we work with a variety of partners, such as other NGOs and trade unions, to ensure our campaigns have the greatest impact.
Find out more at www.labourbehindthelabel.org
Why not support Labour Behind the Label at festival in 2018
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