Julian House
At its foundation, Julian House was set up to offer direct support to some of the most marginalised people in society – the homeless. Initially this was limited to offering food and shelter. Over time other projects and services have been developed which not only address the symptoms of homelessness but also the underlying reasons why men and women are forced onto the streets. Indeed, projects such a our social enterprises are targeted at preventing people becoming homeless by engaging them in meaningful activities, training and preparation for employment.
We operate more than 20 different projects, accommodation sites and social enterprises across the south west. These include;
- A range of homeless services
- Support for those suffering domestic violence
- Addiction recovery
- Individuals with learning difficulties
- Support for travelling communities
- Criminal justice services
- Work experience and training
- Syrian refugee services
These services aren’t just changing lives – they are saving lives.
The work is often challenging and our staff and volunteers work under considerable pressure to achieve incredible outcomes.
Find out more at https://www.julianhouse.org.uk/about-us.htm
Why not volunteer to support Julian House at festivals?
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