Fuze Beyond Borders
We are a charity, which means we do not make a profit, that has been running since 1987 providing residential care and other services.
Over the years our services have changed to meet the needs of the local community, the individuals we support and the local council and government.
We provide residential care / support in our homes in North Somerset, Bristol, South Gloucestershire and Bath and North East Somerset.
We provide support for up to 115 people across North Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire in accommodation-based services and also individuals in their own homes and a small number of respite placements in South Gloucestershire.
We also run other types of services including community day services, building based day services, hydrotherapy and warm water sessions in our own hydrotherapy pool, support to become self-employed or look for employment, and supported living.
Find out more at https://www.fuzebeyondborders.com/
Why not support Fuze Beyond Borders at festivals in 2018
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