Bumblebee Conservation Trust | My Cause UK

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established in 2006 to address the decline of the UK’s bumblebee populations. There are currently 25 species of bumblebee in the UK, representing approximately 10% of the world’s bumblebee species. Of these, two are extinct and ten are threatened with extinction. Since the 1940’s, 98% of our wildflower meadows have been lost, leaving bumblebees hungry and homeless. The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is the only UK charity dedicated entirely to supporting the conservation of bumblebees and the team have a huge wealth of knowledge and expertise in bumblebee ecology, science and conservation. 

Our vision is to create communities and countryside rich in bumblebees and colourful wildflowers, supporting a diversity of wildlife and habitats for everyone to enjoy.

We are currently engaged in a number of projects throughout the UK, including Pollinating the Peak, a fantastic new educational project in the Peak District in its development stage. You can read about our projects at: http://bumblebeeconservation.org/about-us/our-projects/
There are a number of ways each and every one of us can get involved to provide habitat for our bumblebees, through volunteering, donating or planting a bee-friendly wildflower area.

Visit www.bumblebeeconservation.org for more information.

Why not support Bumblebee Conservation Trust at festivals in 2018


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